Unveiling the Truth: How Tesla’s Autopilot Enhances Road Safety - acetesla
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Unveiling the Truth: How Tesla’s Autopilot Enhances Road Safety

by liyouwei on May 30, 2024

Recent articles, including a particularly misleading one from the Washington Post, have misrepresented the nature of Tesla’s Autopilot safety systems. At Tesla, we believe in the moral imperative to continuously improve and expand access to our life-saving technologies. Here, we provide the facts and context to set the record straight.


Tesla’s Autopilot system is designed to enhance the safety and convenience of driving. This system includes advanced features like Traffic-Aware Cruise Control and Autosteer, which are SAE Level 2 driver-assist technologies. These features support the driver but do not replace the driver’s responsibility for vehicle control.

Autopilot Safety Metrics:

  • In the fourth quarter of 2022, Tesla recorded one crash for every 4.85 million miles driven with Autopilot engaged, compared to one crash for every 1.40 million miles driven without Autopilot.
  • For context, the most recent data from the NHTSA and FHWA (from 2021) shows an automobile crash approximately every 652,000 miles in the United States.

Safety Metrics and Evidence

Enhanced Safety with Autopilot:

  • Continuous Improvement: Tesla’s data shows that the more automation technology is used, the safer the driver and other road users are. Autopilot is approximately 10 times safer than the US average and 5 times safer than driving a Tesla without Autopilot technology enabled.
  • Real-World Data: Anecdotal evidence from plaintiff attorneys in the Washington Post article does not substitute the rigorous analysis of billions of miles of data. The data is clear: Autopilot significantly reduces the likelihood of crashes.

Driver Responsibility and System Limitations

Driver Control:

  • Autopilot features require the driver to remain in control of the vehicle at all times. The driver is notified of this responsibility and consents to monitor the driving assistance, with the ability to disengage at any time.
  • Tesla includes additional safety measures to ensure active driver supervision, such as torque-based and camera-based monitoring.

Safety Measures:

  • Tesla continues to improve these monitoring systems to reduce misuse and enhance safety.
  • When used properly, Autopilot provides safety benefits across all types of roads.

Addressing Misreporting

The Washington Post article leverages instances of driver misuse to suggest that Autopilot is the problem. Here’s the reality:

  1. Misstatements in the Article: Contrary to the Post article, the lawsuit complaint does not reference complacency or the operational design domain.
  2. Driver Responsibility: The complaint acknowledges driver inattention, misuse, and negligence as the primary issues.
  3. Legal Context: The families involved in the lawsuit initially sued the Tesla driver and settled with him before pursuing a claim against Tesla.
  4. Driver’s Accountability: The Tesla driver involved did not blame Tesla; he acknowledged his responsibility for driving safely, even with Autopilot engaged.
  5. Fact Omission: The Post failed to disclose that the driver was pressing the accelerator to maintain 60 mph, overriding Autopilot’s 45 mph limit and ignoring a stop sign, which led to the crash.


The facts clearly demonstrate that Tesla’s Autopilot system enhances vehicle safety and reduces accidents. We invite you to learn more about our technology and experience the benefits firsthand. Visit our website for more information or to schedule a test drive.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. How does Tesla’s Autopilot improve driver safety? Tesla’s Autopilot enhances safety by providing advanced driver-assist features that reduce the likelihood of accidents and improve overall driving experience through continuous monitoring and real-time adjustments.

  2. What are the key features of Tesla’s Autopilot system? Key features of Tesla’s Autopilot system include Traffic-Aware Cruise Control, Autosteer, and advanced driver monitoring systems that support the driver without replacing the need for driver supervision.

  3. Is the driver still responsible when using Autopilot? Yes, the driver remains responsible for the vehicle at all times, even when Autopilot is engaged. The system is designed to assist but not replace driver control.

  4. How often does Tesla update its Autopilot system? Tesla continuously improves its Autopilot system through regular over-the-air software updates, ensuring that the latest advancements and safety features are available to all users.

  5. What should I do if I encounter an issue with Autopilot? If you experience any issues with Autopilot, you can contact Tesla support for assistance or visit the Tesla website for troubleshooting information and additional resources.

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